Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What kind of club is Cedar Club?

A: Cedar Club is non-sectarian and non-political and shall not endorse any candidate for public office.

Q: Who can join the Club?

A: Applicants who are citizens of the United States of America or lawful residents; are of Syrian or Lebanese ancestry by virtue of birth or adoption, or are married to one who meets the mentioned qualifications; over 18 years of age; and Applicants are of good moral standing.

Q: How does the Club vet the applicants?

A: All Applicants must be endorsed by two members in good standing and a three-fourths majority vote of the Board shall be necessary to approve an applicant for membership.
If approved by the Board, the application shall be presented to the membership at the next general meeting. An approval application shall require a two-thirds vote of the members present at the meeting.

Q: What is the fee to join?

A: If the Applicant is single, the fee is $50.00 per year.
If married couples membership with children below 18 or over 18 and still in college, the fee is $100.00 per year for the entire family.
Married couples membership with no children, the fee is $75.00.
A single parent with children, the fee is $75.00.

Q: Can a member serve on the Board?

A: Members must be in good standing and attending the general meetings for at least two years in order to be eligible.

For more questions, please contact the Club.