Cedar Club is hosting SFSLAC 2020 Mid-Winter Conference

We are hosting the Southern Federation's 2020 Mid-Winter Conference. The theme is "Where our Heritage meets our Future… Come Live, Love, Laugh in Atlanta." These will be the activities to go with this theme:
a) the Lebanettes
b) Vows DO OVER comedy skit
c) Piece on people that met their spouse or best friend at a convention… video/slides to accompany that piece (Love is Ageless)
d) Introducing the Dabke and Zumba Dabke
e) Lebanese Cooking Class
f) Drink & Draw class

We are still planning, but here are some possible activities: scavenger hunt for the young professionals or youth, progressive dinner for the young professionals, Atlanta mystery theatre with audience participation, cruise ship style couples game, and more... Stay tuned for more details!

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